
Nicotine and nicotinic compounds have been found to attenuate the attentional impairments caused by the glutamate NMDA antagonist dizocilpine (MK-801). The timing of the nicotine effect on attention in rodents has not yet been determined. In the current study, we tested the interaction of dizocilpine with nicotine. Nicotine was given at a range of times (30 to 240 min) prior to dizocilpine administration and before testing on an operant signal detection task. Each rat was assessed with each dose timing. This protocol was repeated twice with one week between phases of testing. In the first phase, correct rejection performance was significantly impaired by 0.05 mg/kg of dizocilpine and this impairment was significantly attenuated by nicotine given sc 30–150 min prior to dizocilpine administration. The greater dizocilpine-induced percent correct rejection impairment seen during the first phase of drug challenge, was significantly attenuated by nicotine given 30 or 90 min before the start of the 1-h test session. During the second phase, the dizocilpine-induced repeated acquisition impairment was more modest. During this phase of testing nicotine administered 60, 90 or 150 min before testing significantly attenuated the dizocilpine-induced impairment. In both phases of testing, nicotine administration 240 min prior to testing was not seen to attenuate the dizocilpine-induced impairment. During the first phase but not the second phase, dizocilpine administration caused a significant impairment in percent hit. Nicotine was not found to have a significant effect in the second phase. Response omissions were significantly increased by dizocilpine during the first, but not the second phase. Nicotine was not found to have any significant effects on response omission. Overall, our data show that nicotine administration prior to dizocilpine administration was able to significantly improve dizocilpine-induced attentional impairment in a time-dependent manner.

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