
Calculating abundance stratifications in ApBp/HgMn star atmospheres, we are considering mass-loss in addition to atomic diffusion in our numerical code in order to achieve more realistic models. These numerical simulations with mass-loss solve the time dependent continuity equation for plane-parallel atmospheres; the procedure is iterated until stationary concentrations of the diffusing elements are obtained throughout a large part of the stellar atmosphere. We find that Mg stratifications in HgMn star atmospheres are particularly sensitive to the presence of a mass-loss. For main-sequence stars with $T_{\rm{eff}}\approx 12000$ K, the observed systematic mild underabundances of this element can be explained only if a mass-loss rate of around $4.2\,10^{-14}$ solar mass per year is assumed in our models. Numerical simulations also reveal that the abundance stratification of P observed in the HgMn star HD53929 may be understood if a weak horizontal magnetic field of about 75G is present in this star. However, for a better comparison of our results with observations, it will be necessary to carry out 3D modelling, especially when magnetic fields and stellar winds -- which render the atmosphere anisotropic -- are considered together.

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