
The expression of glial cell line-derived neurothrophic factor (GDNF) transcript forms pre-(α)pro-gdnf, pre-(β)pro-gdnf, and their common region m-gdnf in the pons as well as the inferior (IC) and superior colliculi in Krushinsky–Molodkina (KM) rats and in the strain “0” was analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the control (unstimulated KM and “0” rats) and 1.5, 4.5, and 8 h after auditory stimulation. Such stimulation induced audiogenic seizures (AS) in KM rats. Audiogenic seizure was not observed in “0” rats, which was obtained by selection for the absence of AS in a population of F2 hybrids between KM and Wistar rats not predisposed to AS. A significant drop in the level of all transcripts was observed 1.5 h after auditory stimulation in both KM and “0” rats. In most cases, the average expression of α and β isoforms and m-region 4.5 h after stimulation was greater than those after 1.5 and 8 h. At the same time, the expression of pre-(β)pro-gdnf in the IC of KM rats 4.5 h after the stimulation was significantly lower than after 1.5 or 8 h. This work presents the first demonstration of different time courses of expression of the α and β GDNF isoforms during physiological processes in genotype-specific pathology.

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