
Faster than light is impossible according to the special relativity theory of Einstein SRT. In this paper I'll propose a new concept in physics called contraction. This concept will solve many problems in physics related to faster than light without violation Lorentz transformation or causality. According to this concept, it is possible measuring the speed of an electromagnetic wave or a particle which owns rest mass greater than zero to be faster than the speed of light in vacuum without violation of Lorentz transformation or causality. Time contraction is proposed by a new understanding to the Lorentz transformation equations depending on the concepts of quantum theory (Copenhagen School). It is a new formulation to the time dilation and the length contraction and the speed of light which are vacuum energy dependent. By this new formulation, I could rescue the special relativity from the Twin paradox, Ehrenfest paradox, Ladder paradox and Bell's spaceship paradox. Furthermore, I could reconcile and interpret the experimental results of quantum tunneling and entanglement (spooky action), —Casimir effect, Hartman effect— with the SRT in this paper.

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