
In recent years, strong-field physics in condensed-matter was pioneered as a novel approach for controlling material properties through laser-dressing, as well as for ultrafast spectroscopy via nonlinear light-matter interactions (e.g. harmonic generation). A potential controversy arising from these advancements is that it is sometimes vague which band-picture should be used to interpret strong-field experiments: the field-free bands, the adiabatic (instantaneous) field-dressed bands, Floquet bands, or some other intermediate picture. We here try to resolve this issue by performing 'theoretical experiments' of time- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (Tr-ARPES) for a strong-field laser-pumped solid, which should give access to the actual observable bands of the irradiated material. To our surprise, we find that the adiabatic band-picture survives quite well, up to high field intensities (~10^12 W/cm^2), and in a wide frequency range (driving wavelengths of 4000 to 800nm, with Keldysh parameters ranging up to ~7). We conclude that to first order, the adiabatic instantaneous bands should be the standard blueprint for interpreting ultrafast electron dynamics in solids when the field is highly off-resonant with characteristic energy scales of the material. We then discuss weaker effects of modifications of the bands beyond this picture that are non-adiabatic, showing that by using bi-chromatic fields the deviations from the standard picture can be probed with enhanced sensitivity. Our work outlines a clear band picture for the physics of strong-field interactions in solids, which should be useful for designing and analyzing strong-field experimental observables and also to formulate simpler semi-empirical models.

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