
Versatile, wood has been used by mankind in furniture, instruments, utensils and construction. About timber buildings, this critical review discusses their valuable and sustainable features that label their multiple options. Numerous contributions were compiled from the author’s collection and prospection in relevant databases. Construction techniques were featured, vocations were identified and production systems were remarked to detail wood-based resources and residues. Discussions and suggestions were raised as promoting strategies. Secular buildings prove the convenience of wood materials in construction, since they have decent levels in sustainability, durability, stability, value added, aesthetics, strength and weight. Timber construction enables artisanal to industrial productions and traditional to contemporary techniques with different materials, sizes and architectural styles. Global barriers are marked by obscurities about logging and illegal deforestation, and deficiencies in the regulations of native species. The utilization of sustainably sourced wood, sylviculture as a viable social-economic driving force and several advantages of timber construction are positive reasons. Actions were proposed to drive policy and multiply timber buildings, since they form a promising segment for emerging bioeconomies of innovative nations. Changes in wood consumption to enhance sylviculture combined with the waste reutilization should intensify the sustainability of timber construction and establish industrial synergies.

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