
We consider the feasibility of a wavefront tilt sensor relying on the dispersion relationship of the transmission at an interface between two transparent media to the angle of incidence. A simple configuration of such a sensor is proposed and investigated. Thought is given to the main characteristics of the sensor. It is shown that the threshold sensitivity is determined by the power of a probe light beam and by the noise of the photoreceiver used. Expressions defining the range of permissible angles of incidence are derived. Angular dispersion of the reflection coefficient of an interface of two dielectrics possessing different refractive indices may provide the basis for a multiple-beam interferometer whose plates are highly reflecting at angles of incidence close to that of total reflection. Expressions are obtained for the interferometer transmission, and a comparison with a transverse shearing interferometer shows that the proposed interferometer provides the highest sharpness of the interferometric pattern. The suggested device can be used for wavefront testing.

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