
Abstract A description is provided for Tilletia indica . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: On Triticum sp., Triticale ( Triticum × Secale ) (57, 4891). DISEASE: Causes karnal (or partial) bunt of wheat. Individual flowers are attacked randomly and are often only partially converted to smut sort, with usually only a few seeds/ear being attacked. Disease seeds are much less conspicuous than other bunts (where whole ears are usually diseased). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: India, Pakistan, Iraq (CMI Map 173, ed. 3, 1974) and parts of Mexico. TRANSMISSION: Teliospores are released when grain is harvested to contaminate seed and soil. Seed borne spores seem to be the primary source of inoculum. The teliospores germinate in the spring to produce promycelia on the soil surface which in turn produce sporidia. These are wind borne to infect florets of young wheat ears. The pathogen is not systemic and each diseased grain represents a separate infection.

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