
We prove tight size bounds on monotone switching networks for the NP-complete problem of $k$-clique, and for an explicit monotone problem by analyzing a pyramid structure of height $h$ for the P-complete problem of generation. This gives alternative proofs of the separations of m-NC from m-P and of m-NC$^i$ from m-NC$^{i+1}$, different from Raz--McKenzie (Combinatorica 1999). The enumerative-combinatorial and Fourier analytic techniques in this paper are very different from a large body of work on circuit depth lower bounds, and may be of independent interest. An earlier version of this paper appeared in the Proceedings of the 44th ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, pp. 495-504, 2011.


  • To study parallel time and memory usage complexity, lower bounds are sought in different models of computation

  • As for the parallel time of efficiently computable functions, Karchmer and Wigderson [34] showed that the directed connectivity problem requires super-logarithmic (Ω(log2 n)) depth for monotone circuits,1 implying m-NC1 m-non-deterministic logspace (NL) ⊆ m-NC2

  • (1) the complete problem for NL, directed connectivity, requires Ω(log2 n) depth, reproving the tight bound of Karchmer and Wigderson [34]; (2) the “complete problem for NCi,” the Generation problem with a pyramid structure of height h, requires Ω(h log n) depth when h ≤ nc for some constant c > 0, giving m-Nick’s class (NC) = m-P and m-NCi = m-NCi+1 for all i by setting h = logi n; and

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To study parallel time and memory usage complexity, lower bounds are sought in different models of computation. As for the parallel time of efficiently computable functions, Karchmer and Wigderson [34] showed that the directed connectivity problem requires super-logarithmic (Ω(log n)) depth for monotone circuits, implying m-NC1 m-NL ⊆ m-NC2. Raz and McKenzie [46] extended the lower bound framework of Karchmer and Wigderson [34], proving that a monotone circuit computing (1) the complete problem for NL, directed connectivity, requires Ω(log n) depth, reproving the tight bound of Karchmer and Wigderson [34];. From the best lower bounds for the depth of monotone circuits by Raz and McKenzie [46], it follows that a monotone switching network computing (1’) directed connectivity requires nΩ(1) size; √. Potechin [45] introduced a Fourier analytic framework for analyzing extremal instances (minterms and maxterms) of the monotone Boolean function of directed connectivity

Our results
Other related work
Lower bound for generation
Reversible pebbling switching networks for generation
Pyramid YES-instances and reversible pebbling lower bound
Lower bound beyond reversible pebbling
Fourier analysis of extremal NO-instances
Invariant cover for generation
Reduction to reversible pebbling
Invariant cover from the universal network
Tight size bound
Lower bound for cliques
Fourier analysis on extremal instances
Invariant cover for cliques
Constructing invariant cover
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