
We have applied the Naval Research Laboratory Tight-binding (NRL-TB) Method to the hcp alkaline-earth metal Beryllium. This approach consists of fitting to energy band and total energy data generated by the Linearized Augmented Plane Wave (LAPW) for the fcc, bcc, sc, and hcp structures as a function of volume. First, we found that using the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA) for the input data secures a better agreement to experimental volumes than the LDA. Second, we found that including small volumes to the fit is needed to get TB parameters that are transferable enough to successfully predict the energies of structures that were not fitted, and to perform molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The non-orthogonal Hamiltonian obtained, is successful in correctly predicting the hcp lattice as the ground state of Be and finding eight other structures, that were not fitted to LAPW, positioned at higher energies. In addition, the NRL-TB produces accurate energy bands, densities of states, elastic constants, the Bain path and several quantities derived from MD simulations.

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