
A novel application of full-duplex passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag technology was used to investigate movements of individual subyearling Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ; fork length ≥ 60 mm) into and out of tidally flooded salt marsh habitat in the Salmon River estuary, Oregon, USA. PIT interrogation was effective, with mean tag detection ≥ 92%. Salmon movement peaked late during both flood and ebb tide periods, indicating that salmon did not drift passively. Most movements were in the direction of tidal currents, but 20% of individuals entered the channel against the ebbing tide. Individuals occupied the intertidal channel for a median 4.9 h and as long as 8.9 h per tidal cycle, and few were detected moving when water depth was <0.4 m. Some individuals used the channel on multiple successive tidal cycles, and others entered intermittently over periods of up to 109 days. Using an individual-based approach, we characterized diversity of juvenile Chinook salmon behavior within a marsh channel, providing insight into the value of such habitats for conservation and restoration of salmon populations.

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