
AbstractForming the Moon by a high‐angular momentum impact may explain the Earth‐Moon isotopic similarities; however, the post‐impact angular momentum needs to be reduced by a factor of 2 or more to the current value (1 LEM) after the Moon forms. Capture into the evection resonance, occurring when the lunar perigee precession period equals 1 year, could remove the angular momentum excess. However the appropriate angular momentum removal appears sensitive to the tidal model and chosen tidal parameters. In this work, we use a constant‐time delay tidal model to explore the Moon's orbital evolution through evection. We find that exit from formal evection occurs early and that, subsequently, the Moon enters a quasi‐resonance regime, in which evection still regulates the lunar eccentricity even though the resonance angle is no longer librating. Although not in resonance proper, during quasi‐resonance angular momentum is continuously removed from the Earth‐Moon system and transferred to Earth's heliocentric orbit. The final angular momentum, set by the timing of quasi‐resonance escape, is a function of the ratio of tidal strength in the Moon and Earth and the absolute rate of tidal dissipation in the Earth. We consider a physically motivated model for tidal dissipation in the Earth as the mantle cools from a molten to a partially molten state. We find that as the mantle solidifies, increased terrestrial dissipation drives the Moon out of quasi‐resonance. For post‐impact systems that contain >2 LEM, final angular momentum values after quasi‐resonance escape remain significantly higher than the current Earth‐Moon value.

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