
Tidal Downsizing (TD) is a recently developed planet formation theory that supplements the classical Gravitational disc Instability (GI) model with planet migration inward and tidal disruptions of GI fragments in the inner regions of the disc. Numerical methods for a detailed population synthesis of TD planets are presented here. As an example application, the conditions under which GI fragments collapse faster than they migrate into the inner $a\sim$ few AU disc are considered. It is found that most gas fragments are tidally or thermally disrupted unless (a) their opacity is $\sim 3$ orders of magnitude less than the interstellar dust opacity at metallicities typical of the observed giant planets, or (b) the opacity is high but the fragments accrete large dust grains (pebbles) from the disc. Case (a) models produce very low mass solid cores ($M_{\rm core} < 0.1$ Earth masses) and follow a negative correlation of giant planet frequency with host star metallicity. In contrast, case (b) models produce massive solid cores, correlate positively with host metallicity and explain naturally while giant gas planets are over-abundant in metals.


  • A planet is a self-gravitating object composed of a heavy element core and an envelope of gas

  • Terrestrial-like planets are dominated by solid cores whereas giant gas planets are mainly hydrogen gas

  • One can expect water to be the least able to condense down in Tidal downsizing (TD) planets, whereas Fe and silicates be the most able to do so

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A planet is a self-gravitating object composed of a heavy element core and an envelope of gas. Nayakshin (2015a) argued that while pre-collapse giant planets may be inefficient gas accretors (see Section 2.4 further on this), they should accrete pebbles for same reasons as solid cores in the CA picture do, except at higher rates because TD fragments have much higher (∼1 Jupiter) masses. Nayakshin (2015b) presented a population synthesis like study that included the ‘metal overload’ collapse due to pebble accretion on TD planets for the first time, and found a strong positive rather than negative correlation of giant planet survival with disc metallicity His model did not include the processes of grain growth, sedimentation and core formation inside the fragment.

Isolated planet evolution
Tidal disruption of protoplanets
TD model possible outcomes
Broader connections of TD
Example disc evolution and planet migration tracks
Pre-collapse evolution
The thermal bath planet disruption
Post-collapse ‘hot start’ planets
Grain dynamics
Grain growth
Core formation and growth
Tidal destruction of the planet
Pebble accretion rate
Ending of the runs
Low-mass fragments
Higher mass fragments
Giant planet survival
Planet’s internal structure
Full Text
Paper version not known

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