
Abstract Calculations are presented of the rate of energy conversion of the barotropic tide into internal gravity waves above topography on the ocean floor. The ocean is treated as infinitely deep, and the topography consists of periodic obstructions; a Green function method is used to construct the scattered wavefield. The calculations extend the previous results of Balmforth et al. for subcritical topography (wherein waves propagate along rays whose slopes exceed that of the topography everywhere), by allowing the obstacles to be arbitrarily steep or supercritical (so waves propagate at shallower angles than the topographic slopes and are scattered both up and down). A complicated pattern is found for the dependence of energy conversion on ε, the ratio of maximum topographic slope to wave slope, and the ratio of obstacle amplitude and separation. This results from a sequence of constructive and destructive interferences between scattered waves that has implications for computing tidal conversion rates for the global ocean.

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