
Relevance. Tick-borne relapsing fevers caused by Borrelia species pathogenic for humans are not well understood. Aim of this review is to assess the genetic diversity of Borrelia with special attention to the relapsing fever group and phylogenetically related species carried by ticks. The review also provides up-to-date information on the main vectors and their geographic distribution, reservoirs of borrelia – pathogens, and potential pathogens of tick-borne recurrent fevers. Conclusions. New types of Borrelia, including a candidate, of relapsing fever clade and related phylogenetic lines/groups, which are carried not only by argasid, but also by solid-body ixodids ticks, deserve further study. The preservation of the epidemic potential of tick-borne relapsing fever can be facilitated by climatic changes, and poorly studied adaptation mechanisms of Borrelia to the range of vectors.


  • Tick-Born Relapsing Fever and Genespecies Diversity of Borrelia: Current Status TA Chekanova**, IN Manzeniuk Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being, Moscow, Russia Abstract Relevance

  • Tick-borne relapsing fevers caused by Borrelia species pathogenic for humans are not well understood

  • Aim of this review is to assess the genetic diversity of Borrelia with special attention to the relapsing fever group and phylogenetically related species carried by ticks

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Ближний Восток (Ирак, Сирия, Иордания, Израиль, Египет, Кипр), Средняя и Центральная Азия (Иран, Казахстан, Узбекистан, Кыргызстан, Афганистан, Туркменистан, Таджикистан), Пакистан, Индия, Турция, Индия, Ливия, Греция, западный Китай Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, Cyprus), Central Asia Северная Африка (Алжир, Марокко, Тунис), Португалия, Испания, Греция, Турция, Кипр North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), Portugal, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus грызуны, насекомоядные, летучие мыши, ласки, лисы, шакалы, собаки, кошки, человек rodents, insectivores, bats, weasels, foxes, jackals, dogs, cats, human. Юго-запад США, Мексика, Центральная (Гватемала) и Южная (Эквадор, Колумбия, Венесуэла, Аргентина, Бразилия) Америка Southwest USA, Mexico, Central (Guatemala) and South (Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil) America грызуны, броненосцы, птицы, летучие мыши, обезьяны, человек rodents, armadillos, birds, bats, monkeys, human. Южная Африка Южная Африка грызуны rodents неизвестно unknown неизвестен (O. tholozani в лабораторных экспериментах) unknown (O. tholozani in laboratory experiments)

Иран Iran человек human
Carios kelleyi
Hyalomma aegyptium
Южный Китай South China
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