
A new method is developed for synthesizing Ti4O7 supported Ru@Pt core–shell catalyst (Ru@Pt/Ti4O7) through pyrolysis followed by microwave irradiation. The purpose is to improve the Ru durability of PtRu from core–shell structure and strong bonding to Ti4O7 oxide. In this method, the first step is to co-reduce the mixture of ruthenium precursor and TiO2 in a H2 reducing atmosphere under heat-treatment to obtain a Ru core on Ti4O7 support, and the second step is to create a shell of platinum via microwave irradiation. Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, X-ray Diffraction, High-resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy with the high-angle annular dark-field method and Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy are used to demonstrate that this catalyst with larger particles has a core–shell structure with a Ru core and a Pt shell. Electrochemical measurements show Ru@Pt/Ti4O7 catalyst has a higher CO-tolerance capability than that of PtRu/C alloy catalyst.

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