
The content of thyroid and sex steroid hormones in the blood of immature and precocious trout Salmo trutta at the final stage of the formation of early maturing fishes (age 1+, 2+) in the population was determined. The formation period of early maturing males varies in different years in Alatsoya River (Karelia). Fish can reach sexual maturity at the age of 1+ or 2+. Immature and precocious trout at the age of 1+ and 2+ do not differ in the free and total triiodothyronine and free thyroxine content. Immature females and males aged 1+ and 2+ also do not differ in the level of sex steroid hormones. In contrast to immature brown trout, precocious males aged 2+ are characterized by an increased content of testosterone and a reduced level of estradiol-17β in the blood. It has been established that the final stage of the formation of early maturing fishes in the population is characterized by a weak involvement of the thyroid gland in the maturation process of males. Also, it was shown that the rate of conversion of testosterone to estradiol-17β in their blood was a significant decrease (4 times). This transformation in all studied females and males of brown trout is associated with their body length. The rate of formation of estradiol-17β in fish was increased with increasing of body length.

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