
Organotin compounds are used as stabilizers in plastics, industrial catalysts, antifouling agents and industrial and agricultural biocides (Van der Kerk 1978). The mammalian toxicity has been summarized recently (Snoeij et al 1987). The central nervous system, the liver and bile duct, the immune system and the skin can be recognized as target organs of various organotin compounds. Dibutyltin and tributyltin compounds cause atrophy of the thymus and thymus-dependent areas of spleen and lymph nodes in rats fed these compounds for several weeks (Seinen and Penninks 1979; Krajnc et al 1984; Penninks et al 1985; Snoeij et al 1985). In specific assays testing the immune functions of rats exposed to DBTC or tributyltin, the T cell-dependent immune responses were found to be suppressed (Seinen and Penninks 1979; Vos et al 1984). In the present study the mechanism of this atrophy induced by DBTC was investigated.

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