
Precise diagnostic work up of a suspected thymic pathology in patients with myasthenia gravis (MG) is very important for potential surgical implications and further disease course. In this study the diagnostic value of combined preoperative radiological (CAT scan) and nuclear based imaging (octreotide and thallium scintigraphy) in patients with MG was evaluated. Twenty four patients were included. Histopathology revealed thymoma in nine patients, thymic carcinoma (TC) in one patient, lymphofollicular hyperplasia in seven patients, and involuted thymus in another seven patients. Diagnostic sensitivity for detecting thymoma/TC was 80 % in CAT scan as well as in somatostatin scintigraphy; the combination of both procedures reached 90 %. However, the diagnostic specifity to exclude thymoma in CAT scan was 100 % and in octreotide scintigraphy 85.7 %. Semiquantitative octreotide uptake significantly correlated with histological grading of thymoma/TC (r = 0.764) and histological proliferation rate Ki67 (r = 0.894). Thallium scintigraphy was positive only in one out of four thymoma cases. In this study, somatostatin scintigraphy has been shown to be a useful additional diagnostic technique in detecting thymic malignancies in patients with MG. These results might be especially helpful in patients with late onset MG as these patients are in general no candidates for thymectomy.

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