
Thyateira, a Lydian city, is located within the borders of Akhisar district of Manisa province today. New excavations contuining since 2011 go on intensively in Hastane Hoyuk. The site in question is estimated to be the acropolis of Thyateira from the Hellenistic period onwards. During the excavations on the area that can be defined as the top of the mound, ruins of an Ionic ordered temple; construction of which is believed to had been started in the Hellenistic era, have been brought to daylight. At present, the excavations are concentrated on the eastern entry and the center of this structure. The late period usages on the temple have been extensive and this amplified its destruction. It has been confirmed that the architectural pieces of the structure had been destroyed to a large extend due to the usages of the areas of the necropolis located on south and north of the temple. At this level which we call as the layer of destruction; a large number of broken pieces belonging to ornamental sections of the temple, had been found. With respect to the determination of the initial construction date; these ornamental archeological pieces are of great significance. In the light of the evidence provided by the similar architectural ornaments; it has been realized that the construction of the temple dates back to a period between second and third quarters of the second century BC. The temple in Thyateira, Hastane Hoyuk, whose structure has been started to be revealed, is at most similarity with the temple of Chryse Apollon Smintheios in terms of its substructure and ornamental features.

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