
The stability of Thwaites Glacier, the second largest marine ice stream in West Antarctica, is a major source of uncertainty in future predictions of global sea level rise. Critical to understanding the stability of Thwaites Glacier, is understanding the dynamics of the shear margins, which provide important lateral resistance that counters basal weakening associated with ice flow acceleration and forcing at the grounding line. The eastern shear margin is of interest, as it is poorly topographically constrained, meaning it could migrate rapidly, causing further ice flow acceleration and drawing a larger volume of ice into the fast-flowing ice stream.  We present initial insights from a 2-year-long seismic record, from two broadband seismic arrays each with 7 stations, deployed across the eastern shear margin of Thwaites Glacier. We have applied a variety of processing methods to these data to detect and locate icequakes from different origins and analyse them in the context of shear-margin dynamics. Preliminary results suggest there is basal seismicity concentrated near the ice-bed interface on the slow-moving side of the margin, as opposed to within the ice-stream itself. Some of the identified seismic events appear to exhibit clear shear-wave splitting, suggesting a strong anisotropy in the ice, which would be consistent with polarization observed in recently published radar studies from the field site. Further analysis of the split shear-waves will allow us to better constrain the region's ice-fabric, infer past shear-margin location, and assess the future stability of this ice rheology.   With such a large quantity of data, manual event identification is unpractical, and hence we are employing machine-learning approaches to identify and locate icequakes of interest in these data. Our results and forthcoming results from upcoming active-seismic field seasons have important implications for better understanding the stability of glacier and ice stream shear margins. 

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