
Background:Intra-articular therapy (IAT) is subject to wide variability and there are gaps in the evidence on its efficacy and safety.Objectives:To assess the efficacy and safety of frequently used IATs to inform a EULAR Taskforce.Methods:We performed an overview of systematic reviews (SR) of randomised clinical trials (RCT) assessing efficacy and safety of IAT in adults with RMDs. MEDLINE was searched until January 2019. SRs were assessed with the AMSTAR-2 tool. Critically low-confidence SRs were excluded.Results:Of 159 articles identified, 42 were reviewed in detail and 15 met the inclusion criteria (146 RCTs). The populations included were mainly knee osteoarthritis (OA) in 10 SRs, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in 3, hip and temporo-mandibular (TM) OA and shoulder adhesive capsulitis in 1 SR each.In knee OA, Hyaluronic Acid (HA) showed a modest benefit over placebo for pain and function but with unclear clinical significance in some studies. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) showed a small effect over HA only for function. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) performed better than PRP and HA for some outcomes, however, in studies with high risk of bias. Intra-articular Glucocorticoids (GC) were better than placebo (PBO) for pain and function.More adverse events (AE) were seen in the PRP group compared with HA and for HA compared with PBO including serious AE each in 1 SR on knee OA.Results for other included diseases are shown in table 1.Table 1.Summary of SR. P: population; C: comparation; H: High, M: Moderate; L: Low confidence; MA: meta-analysis; SOC: standard of care; PRO: patient reported outcomes; ROM: range of motion; MPA: methylprednisolone acetate; TA/TH: triamcinolone acetonide/ hexacetonide; MW: molecular weight; YR: Yttrium synoviorthesis *Same SR assessed knee arthritis in OA and RA separatelySRPCAMSTAR2EfficacySafetyNewberryknee OAHA vs PBO; HA; LavageHMA.HA better than PBOin function in older patients (small effect).No diff in AEJuniGC vs Sham; PBO; SOCHMA.GC betterin pain and function until 6w. No diff at 12-24w.No diff in AEPasMSC vs PBO; PRP; HAMNo MA.MSC betterin pain, PRO, MRI, etcHigh risk of bias.No diff in AETrojianHA vs PBO; GCMNMA.HA better vs GC or PBOin WOMAC pain, stiffness, function and OARSI criteria.No diff in AEGallagherHA vs PBOMNo MA.No diffin joint space width.High risk of bias.Not reportedSamsonHA vs Glucosamine; Chondroitin; LavageMMA.HA betterin pain (small effect), unclear clinical benefitMA. More AE with HA.SAE in 3/1002 knees with HA(severe swelling, hypersensitivity reaction)DiPRP vs HALNo MA.PRP betteronly in WOMAC function.More AE with PRP(p<0.05) SAE in 2 knees with HA (severeswelling)Silvinato*MPA vs TA; THLMA.MPA better vs TA in pain until w6No diff. in pain or function at 12w.No diff in AETrigkilidasHA vs PBO; GCLNo MA.HA (small effect) better in mild-moderate OANo diff in AELoHA vs PBOLNo MA.HA (small effect) better in pain. (publication bias).High heterogeneityNo diff in AEDe SouzaTM OAHA vs GCMHA better in pain at w24Not reportedFigueiredoHip OAHA vs GC; PBO; PRP; AnaestheticsLMA.No diffin HA vs comparators in pain and OARSI criteriaNo diff in AELeeShoulder capsulitisHA vs SOCMNo MA.No diffin HA vs SOC.No diff in AEHeuftRA (knee)YR vs PBO; GCMNo MA.YR better vs PBO, TH better vs YR in ROM and knee circumference.SR inconclusiveNot reportedSilvinato*MPA vs TA; THLMA.No diffin pain or function.No diff in AESaitoHA vs PBOLMA.HA better in global effectiveness, pain and inflammation.No diff in AEConclusion:Most of the SRs assessed had results of low confidence. HA and GC showed a small, short term benefit in knee arthritis in OA and RA compared to PBO. High risk of bias prevents conclusions on the efficacy of PRP and MSC in knee OA. More AE were reported in PRP and HA treated groups.Disclosure of Interests: :Sebastian C Rodriguez-García Speakers bureau: Novartis Farmaceutica, S.A., Merck Sharp & Dohme España, S.A., Sanofi Aventis, UCB Pharma, Raul Castellanos-Moreira Speakers bureau: Lilly, MSD, Sanofi, UCB, Jacqueline Uson Jaeger: None declared, Esperanza Naredo: None declared, Loreto Carmona Grant/research support from: Novartis Farmaceutica, SA, Pfizer, S.L.U., Merck Sharp & Dohme España, S.A., Roche Farma, S.A, Sanofi Aventis, AbbVie Spain, S.L.U., and Laboratorios Gebro Pharma, SA (All trhough institution)

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