
In recent decades linguistics is less interested in the structure of language and the systemic relationships between its units, which are generally well described. At the turn of the century, we observe sharply increased interest in the problems of the relationship between language, consciousness, culture, mentality, national character and behavior. The language itself is understood as a mirror (though a crooked one) of reality, of a person, of his external and internal world. Such a broad approach supposes the impossibility of solving emerging problems as part of linguistics only; it needs the help of a whole range of related sciences about man - from psychology, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies to biology, neurosciences and quantum mechanics. Thus, we can see the interest in the integration of sciences. The purpose of this article is to conceptualize theoretically this new phenomenon and to show that modern linguistics must meet the requirements of the time and therefore it should be interdisciplinary and integrative; we tried to establish the relationship between tradition and new ideas in linguistics of the third millennium and showed that the problems arising in the language can be solved by the joint efforts of representatives of a number of sciences. The results obtained in this article allow us to put forward the issues that demand, in our view, immediate attention and show the importance of combining an objective linguistic analysis and the results of their research in semiotics, theology, psychology. These are such phenomena as 1) deep semantic processes; 2) language is a means of expressing Divine Truth; 3) language and national character. The obtained integrative knowledge can reveal non-causal relationships in the world, discover deeper laws of being, for example, the fact that consciousness is not rigidly connected with language, therefore it can hardly be researched by an associative experiment, although psycholinguists have long hoped for this. Physicist John Wheeler, taking into account experiments in quantum physics, proved that even if we just look at an object, it is changing under the influence of the gaze. How much stronger is the influence of a word? This is to be inquired in the near future as the part of an integrative approach.


  • In recent decades linguistics is less interested in the structure of language and the systemic relationships between its units, which are generally well described

  • The language itself is understood as a “mirror” of reality, of a person, of his external and internal world. Such a broad approach supposes the impossibility of solving emerging problems as part of linguistics only; it needs the help of a whole range of related sciences about man — from psychology, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies to biology, neurosciences and quantum mechanics

  • The purpose of this article is to conceptualize theoretically this new phenomenon and to show that modern linguistics must meet the requirements of the time and it should be interdisciplinary and integrative; we tried to establish the relationship between tradition and new ideas in linguistics of the third millennium and showed that the problems arising in the language can be solved by the joint efforts of representatives of a number of sciences

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Важнейшие направления современной лингвистической мысли

Мы рассмотрим в этой связи лишь три важнейших направления из нескольких десятков уже зарождающихся и гипотетически возможных в современной лингвистике для выявления процессов, происходящих в ментальных мирах c помощью языка. Что решение данных проблем можно найти только благодаря использованию интегративного подхода, т.е. Использования данных различных наук — от философии, социологии, антропологии до нейробиологии, генетики, психологии и др. 1. Глубинные основы языка и ментальности человека. 2. Язык как средство выражения Божественной Истины. 3. Язык как средство формирования характера и культурных установок народа

Глубинные основы языка и человеческой ментальности
Язык как средство выражения Божественной Истины
Язык как средство формирования характера и культурных установок народа
Библиографический список
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