
Cloud Computing is computing technology in which the word cloud is defined as delivery of demand services and resources from user's application to cloud data center through internet connection as pay on demand. Cloud computing has face lots of challenges like security, data migration, work load management, data integrity, confidentiality and many more. In cloud computing, data is t on cloud data center and cloud service provider s provides data to the customer as per their requirement. Customers also access data from anywhere any place ubiquitously. In cloud computing load balancing technology is used to distribute workload for balancing load between two or more cloud server. Load balancing main aim is to optimize resource utilization, maintain cost of data center and virtual machine, maximize throughput, reduce response time and avoid overloading of load. The main objective of this research paper is to reduce data center transfer cost, total virtual machine cost, data center processing time and reduce response time using throttled load balancing policy with optimize response time service based policy. In this research paper researcher used cloud analyst simulator of cloudsim for simulation and modeling of data. This study has evaluated throttled load balancing and their optimization criteria like data center processing time and reduces cost. One more thing studied is this experiment has done for hybrid cloud by adding user bases from private and public cloud.

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