
Some viral infections are associated with deep venous thrombosis. We report a case of deep venous thrombosis in an adult with varicella. He had neither known predisposing factors for thrombosis nor thrombophilia. Transient significant level of antiphospholipid antibodies and lupus circulating anticoagulant were observed. There was no evidence of thrombophilia. Deep venous thrombosis has been mostly associated with varicella in children. A transient protein S deficiency was present in almost all cases, though it was sometimes related to an anti-protein S antibody. This association is exceptional in adults. Some viruses such as herpesvirus and HIV are responsible for endothelium dysfunction, but this is still unclear in the case of varicella-zoster virus. In our observation, endothelium activation or antiphospholipid antibodies might be responsible for thrombosis.

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