
Of recent years a number of monographs have appeared on thrombophlebitis. Among these may be mentioned those of Clark, 1 Brooks and Crowell, 2 Jakowski, 3 Cordier, 4 Cohen, 5 Kraemer, 6 and Kistler. 7 In addition Ludwig Aschoff 8 in a recent lecture has carefully considered the etiology and pathology of thrombosis. On the other hand, little seems to have been written on this pathologic condition in cases in which it involves the veins within the abdomen. On account of the paucity of such recorded cases it is my intention to consider in this article thrombophlebitis of the external iliac vein, going perhaps more particularly into its symptomatology and differential diagnosis, and finally to report a case complicating an otherwise uneventful convalescence from typhoid fever. The great relative frequency of the occurrence of thrombophlebitis in the veins of the left leg is a familiar fact to most of us,

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