
We investigate the internal thermal stress field of a three-phase inclusion of arbitrary shape which is bonded to an infinite matrix through an interphase layer. The three phases have different thermoelastic constants. It is found that the internal thermal stress field induced by a uniform change in temperature can be uniform and hydrostatic within an inclusion of elliptical or hypotrochoidal shape when the thickness of the interphase layer is properly designed for given material parameters of the three-phase composite. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the solution. The thermal stress analysis of a (Q + 2)-phase inclusion of arbitrary shape with Q ≥ 2 is also carried out under the assumption that all the phases except the internal inclusion share the same elastic constants. It is found that the irregular inclusion shape permitting internal uniform hydrostatic thermal stresses becomes really arbitrary if a sufficiently large number of interphase layers are added between the inclusion and the matrix.

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