
Inspired by quantum secure direct communication and quantum dense coding, we present a three-party quantum secret sharing (QSS) scheme by quantum teleportation. After performing the rectilinear basis or diagonal basis measurement randomly for the eavesdropping check to ensure the security of the quantum channel, the sender encodes the secret messages directly on a series of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs and transmits them to the receivers by quantum teleportation. Neither of the receivers can decode the secret messages on his own even if they collaborate. Only the two receivers combine their measurement results with the sender's result, can they recover the secret messages. In this scheme, one qubit can encode two bits of classical information because quantum dense coding is introduced. Using quantum teleportation, the distinct advantage of this scheme is that there is not the transmission of qubits carrying the secret messages in the quantum channel, it is absolutely secure for QSS if a perfect channel is used.

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