
This study was carried out to determine the morphometric and volumetric features of the mandible in Van cats by using computed tomography (CT) and a three-dimensional (3D) software program. The study also aimed at presenting the biometrical differences of these mea- surements between genders. A total of 16 adult Van cats (8 males, 8 females) were used in the study. The cats were anesthetized using a ketamine-xylazine combination. They were then scanned using CT under anesthesia and their images were obtained. The scanned images of the mandible in each cat were used for the reconstruction of a 3D model by using the MIMICS 20.1 (The Materialise Group, Leuven, Belgium) software program. Later, morphometric (17 parame- ters), volumetric, and surface area measurements were conducted and statistical analyses were carried out. In our morphometric measurements, it was found that TLM (total length of the mandible), PCD (pogonion to coronoid process distance), CAP (length from the indenta- tion between the condyle process and angular process to pogonion), CAC (length from the inden- tation between the condyle process and the angular process to back of alveole C1), CML (length between C1 - M1), RAH (ramus height), MDM (mandible depth at M1), MHP (height of the mandible in front of P3), and ABC (angular process to back of alveole C1 distance) were greater in male cats; while MWM (mandible width at M1 level) was greater in female cats and was statistically significant (p⟨0.05). The length and height of the mandible were 6.36±2.42 cm and 3.01±1.81 cm in male cats, respectively. On the other hand, in female cats, the length and height of the mandible were 5.89±2.57 cm and 2.71±1.26 cm, respectively. The volume of the mandible was measured to be 7.39±0.93 cm3 in male cats and 5.40±0.49 cm3 in female cats. The surface areas were 63.50±5.27 cm2 in male cats and 52.73±3.89 cm2 in female cats. In con- clusion, in this study, basic morphometric parameters of the mandible in adult Van cats were found by using CT and a 3D modeling program. The differences between male and female cats were also determined in the study.

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