
During its inbound journey into Jupiter's magnetosphere, Ulysses had several encounters with the Jovian plasma sheet near the magnetic equator, which were related with intensity maxima in the energetic particles. We show for the first time anisotropies in three dimensions of three ion species (protons, helium and oxygen) in the energy range 0.24 < E < 0.77 [MeV/nucleon]. The data, obtained with the Energetic Particle Composition Experiment (EPAC) onboard Ulysses have been analysed by using spherical harmonics in three dimensions. We show that the first-order anisotropies of ions in or near the plasma sheet are strongest in a plane parallel to the ecliptic plane and more or less azimuthal with respect to the rotation of Jupiter. We show that the first-order anisotropy amplitude is larger for helium and oxygen ions than for protons in nearly the same energy per nucleon range. We find flow velocities for helium ions which are not consistent with corotation, but are larger by a factor of 2 in and near the Jovian plasma sheet on the dayside magnetosphere. In contrast for protons we observe nearly corotation. Far from the plasma sheet, at high magnetic latitudes, the flow velocities are less than corotation for protons, as well as for helium and oxygen. The azimuthal particle anisotropies are explained by intensity gradients perpendicular to the centre of the plasma sheet, by E × B particle drifts, and by nonadiabatic orbits of the particles near the Jovian plasma sheet. All of the three phenomena act in the same azimuthal direction, perpendicular to the mainly radial magnetic field direction. Each of them can be estimated, but their individual effects cannot be distinguished from each other. In addition, we find a radial component of the anisotropy which apparently is stronger for protons than for heavier ions. This radial anisotropy component is interpreted as a result of the radial outward displacement of ions in an azimuthally swept back magnetic field.

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