
It is well known that the quantum double structure plays an important role in three-dimensional quantum gravity coupled to matter field. In this paper, we show how this algebraic structure emerges in the context of three-dimensional Riemannian loop quantum gravity (LQG) coupled to a finite number of massive spinless point particles. In LQG, physical states are usually constructed from the notion of SU(2) cylindrical functions on a Riemann surfaced Σ and the Hilbert structure is defined by the Ashtekar-Lewandowski measure. In the case where Σ is the sphere S2, we show that the physical Hilbert space is in fact isomorphic to a tensor product of simple unitary representations of the Drinfeld double DSU(2): the masses of the particles label the simple representations, the physical states are tensor products of vectors of simple representations, and the physical scalar product is given by intertwining coefficients between simple representations. This result is generalized to the case of any Riemann surface Σ.

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