
We predict a scheme for the creation of isotropic three-dimensional quantum droplets in Rydbeg-dressed Bose gases, which contain both repulsive contact interactions and attractive soft-core interactions. Via manipulating laser detuning, the droplet size and particle number density could be engineered. Quantum fluctuation induced Lee-Huang-Yang (LHY) correction should be considered to stabilize droplets when LHY energy is comparable to the mean-field energy. Self-trapped droplets possess flat-top density distribution for a large particle number, and the collective excitations are calculated to determine the self-evaporation threshold. We further distinguish quantum droplets from solitons according to condensate compressibility. Finally, the dynamic stability of droplets is examined by pairwise-droplet collision. Our system could realize the most dilute quantum droplets, and establish a promising platform for further simulating topological nontrivial droplets. Published by the American Physical Society 2024

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