
We utilize state-of-the-art 3D hydrodynamical and classical 1D stellar model atmospheres to study the influence of convection on the formation properties of various atomic and molecular spectral lines in the atmospheres of four red giant stars, located close to the base of the red giant branch, RGB ($T_{\mathrm eff}\approx5000$ K, $\log g=2.5$), and characterized by four different metallicities, [M/H] = 0.0, -1.0, -2.0, -3.0. The role of convection in the spectral line formation is assessed with the aid of abundance corrections, i.e., the differences in abundances predicted for a given equivalent width of a particular spectral line with the 3D and 1D model atmospheres. We find that for lines of certain neutral atoms the abundance corrections strongly depend both on metallicity of a given model atmosphere and the line excitation potential. While abundance corrections for all lines of both neutral and ionized elements tend to be small at solar metallicity, for lines of neutral elements with low ionization potential and low-to-intermediate $\chi$ they quickly increase with decreasing metallicity, reaching in their extremes to -0.6...-0.8 dex. In all such cases the large abundance corrections are due to horizontal temperature fluctuations in the 3D hydrodynamical models. Abundance corrections of molecular lines are very sensitive to metallicity of the underlying model atmosphere and may be larger (in absolute value) than -0.5 dex at [M/H] = -3.0 (-1.5 dex in the case of CO). We also find that an approximate treatment of scattering in the 3D model calculations leads to the abundance corrections that are altered by less than ~0.1 dex, both for atomic and molecular (CO) lines, with respect to the model where scattering is treated as true absorption throughout the entire atmosphere, with the largest differences for the resonance and low-excitation lines.

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