
Cross-inoculation experiments were carried out in southern Italy (Apulia) on grapevines cv. Italia and Matilde in order to study interactions among the white rot fungus Fomitiporia punctata (Fop) and two tracheiphilous hyphomycetes, Phaeoacremonium aleophilum (Pal) and Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (Pch), commonly associated with esca and brown wood-streaking of grapevine. In January 1999 the three fungi were inoculated through wounds on the trunks and spurs of cv. Italia, and branches and spurs of cv. Matilde. Pch, Pal and Fop were inoculated singly or in groups of two or three in all possible combinations. From the results so far obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. all three fungi are pathogenic; 2. inoculation of the above fungi on standing grapevines produces symptoms on trunks, shoots, leaves and berries that are reminiscent of those shown by esca-affected vines in the vineyard. In particular, symptoms in the wood (brown streaking, gummosis or “black goo”, and wood decay or white rot), and on the leaves (various forms of chlorosis, reddening and necrosis, distortion of the lamina) and berries (black measles) were reproduced; 3. severity of internal symptoms, assessed as length of brown streaks and intensity of colour change of the infected wood, varied with the growth and interactions between the inoculated fungi; 4. the wood streaking which developed after inoculation with Pal or Pch on the spurs extended to the supporting shoot or branch, and even to the stem; 5. a non-synergistic, competitive association of the two hyphomycetes, and an inhibition of Fop growth by Pal was observed in planta. A similar marked antagonistic effect of Pal against Fop was previously shown to occur when examining interactions between the three fungi in vitro; 6. the wood discolouration caused by Fop was not hampered by Pch, but it is always limited by Pal; 7. on the basis of internal symptoms, grapevines cv. Italia were more susceptible to the esca fungi than grapevines cv. Matilde.

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