
The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate three techniques for proving algebraicity statements about circle packings. We give proofs of three related theorems: (1) that every finite simple planar graph is the contact graph of a circle packing on the Riemann sphere, equivalently in the complex plane, all of whose tangency points, centers, and radii are algebraic, (2) that every flat conformal torus which admits a circle packing whose contact graph triangulates the torus has algebraic modulus, and (3) that if R is a compact Riemann surface of genus at least 2, having constant curvature -1, which admits a circle packing whose contact graph triangulates R, then R is isomorphic to the quotient of the hyperbolic plane by a subgroup of PSL_2(real algebraic numbers). The statement (1) is original, while (2) and (3) have been previously proved in the Ph.D. thesis of McCaughan. Our first proof technique is to apply Tarski's Theorem, a result from model theory, which says that if an elementary statement in the theory of real-closed fields is true over one real-closed field, then it is true over any real closed field. This technique works to prove (1) and (2). Our second proof technique is via an algebraicity result of Thurston on finite co-volume discrete subgroups of the orientation-preserving-isometry group of hyperbolic 3-space. This technique works to prove (1). Our first and second techniques had not previously been applied in this area. Our third and final technique is via a lemma in real algebraic geometry, and was previously used by McCaughan to prove (2) and (3). We show that in fact it may be used to prove (1) as well.

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