
迄今为止的西方形而上学发展史是由以下三次翻转构成的:首先是以笛卡尔、康德和黑格尔为代表的“主体性形而上学”对柏拉图主义的“在场形而上学”的翻转;其次是在主体性形而上学的内部,以叔本华、尼采为代表的“意志形而上学”对以笛卡尔、康德和黑格尔为代表的“理性形而上学”的翻转;再次是后期海德格尔的“世界之四重整体的形而上学”对其前期的“此在形而上学”的翻转。 关键词: 在场形而上学 主体性形而上学 理性形而上学 意志形而上学 此在形而上学 世界之四重整体的形而上学 So far, three reversals have occurred in the history of Western metaphysics. The first was the reversal from the “metaphysics of presence” represented by Platonism to the “metaphysics of subjectivity” represented by Descartes, Kant and Hegel. The second occurred within the framework of the metaphysics of subjectivity and marked the transformation from the “metaphysics of reason” represented by Descartes, Kant and Hegel to the “metaphysics of will” represented by Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. The third reversal was from the “metaphysics of being‐there” of the earlier phase of Heidegger's philosophy to his later “metaphysics of the world‐fourfold.”

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