
Transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS) is a novel minimally invasive procedure which is performed by normal laparoscopic instruments through the single port transanally. Three kinds of procedures have been performed based on the TAMIS platform by now, including TAMIS-TME(total mesorectal excision), TAMIS-APE(Abdominoperineal excision) and TAMIS-Hartmann. Transanal total mesorectal excision (taTME) with dissection from bottom to up through the platform of TAMIS is also called TAMIS-TME. The greatest advantage of TAMIS-TME is that it increases the quality of specimen and decrease the adverse injury due to the sufficient vision of lower part of mesorectum in the operation. TAMIS-APE and TAMIS-Hartmann procedures emerge after the experience of TAMIS-TME. TAMIS-APE procedure not only firstly make the dissection of perineal phase minimally invasive, but also make the perineal vision more clear, the resection of levator ani muscle more precise, eventually the tailored APE procedure comes true under the laparoscopy of perineal phase. The dissection of mid-low mesorectum for recurrent tumor is usually difficult just from above, TAMIS facilitates the resection through entering the normal anatomical space under the tumor. If the tumor has the risk of recurrence, distal rectum is closed and proximal colostomy is made, we firstly performed this procedure and name it TAMIS-Hartmann. Therefore, TAMIS is not only a platform for taTME, but also it provides a transanal approach and a "button to up" conception for the mid-low rectal tumor.

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