
Carbon fibre reinforced plastics laminates were loaded through to fracture in a three-point bending configuration, to gain understanding of the cohesive interaction between plies and validate mechanical properties and predictive capability of the FE model. The effect of mesh refinement, scaling techniques, failure models and cohesive surfaces were investigated. Fibre orientations investigated were parallel, 45° and perpendicular to the loading. Experimental results showed a larger radius punch promoted failure on the intended bottom side, tensile stresses region, allowing for the Aramis strain camera to record the failure. When the fibre orientation was perpendicular to the punch load, all failure models show similar rate of force increment with respect to displacement. No difference in failure prediction is observed for the different 0° models, except for a 4.18% under prediction by LaRC02 compared to the experiment. With fibre orientations at 45° and 90°, the Maximum Strain and LaRCO2 failure models were more suitable in terms of accuracy and convergence. Incorporating cohesive surfaces between instances improve nonlinearity prediction of 45° and 90° layups. Small span-to-thickness ratio analysis predicts interlaminar shear failure, delamination, versus large span-to-thickness ratio determine normal stresses to dominate failure in laminate. The model was setup in multi-fibre orientation and cross-ply layups for extended application and was shown to successfully predict material response described in literature.

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