
Three poems Emily Carr (bio) ) between lives & before biography.pieces of jaguar prowl, like black blossoms:buoyant, athletic, sureyou can try to break it it/ will break you he says.angels look on, laughing. (with wings;studying the ways of not firm/ feet. theyhave time. a blue cardinal drinks from the chicken trough, sings.today's moon leans through the window, pursesher lips. venetian blinds thwack.out of nothing: there's nothing at lastI can do I can stop/ doing:he is ) thoughtless, a cocked revolver—.turn away. it is almost spring. fish freeze into bits of stars.pinesmoke circles the cutback limbs,automobiles drive with fierce lights on, illuminating thinsmoky heroines.a coyote gallops across the third person & the indicative,incliningthe two forms of life to the one end, through [End Page 130] the bare trees flying naked/ as a ghost. turn/on that breaking.—as the sound of the stiff bud trees holding/ ourselves to/ (& fromone another . . .) gravity & skin make mannequinsa dog—or is it a telephone?—punctuates butler buildings, some white crosses, thechurchcoloured tendony hum.a meteor screams: point-of-leaf, a seethrough skeleton,wrist & thighs, tendons.shiny taillights make sky haloes over feedcorn & flesh.singing. like fireflies.all the vowels are upside down or inside out.deer shiver into fist, a child's shout drowns/ the song.the wind licks the sex of the trees—. Emily Carr Emily Carr's book directions for flying won the 2009 Furniture Press Poetry Award and is currently available through SPD. Cole Swenson chose her manuscript ''13 ways of happily: books 1 & 2'' as the winner of the 2009 New Measures Poetry Prize; Parlor Press recently published 13 ways. Carr's work has been published recently in Hayden's Ferry Review, Bombay Gin, Margie, and Gargoyle, among others. Copyright © 2010 University of Nebraska Press

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