
Three new species of harvestmen are described based on morphology. Taito mayoruna spec. nov. from Jenaro Herrera province, Loreto, Peru is differentiated from other species of Taito Kury Barros, 2014 by features such as anal operculum armed, and femur IV with two retro-distal spines. Taito curupira spec. nov. from Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazil is recognized by an H-shaped color pattern, femur IV curved dorsally and armed with medial prolateral and retrolateral tubercles. A third species herein described, Eulibitia chacuamarei spec. nov., from Trinidad, Casanare, Colombia is distinguished by the absence of a ladder mask and by the presence of blunt tubercles on areas I, III and the posterior margin. Penial morphology is described, and SEM micrographs are included.

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