
We continue the study, initiated in arXiv:1404.1094, of the $O(N)$ symmetric theory of $N+1$ massless scalar fields in $6-\epsilon$ dimensions. This theory has cubic interaction terms $\frac{1}{2}g_1 \sigma (\phi^i)^2 + \frac{1}{6}g_2 \sigma^3$. We calculate the 3-loop beta functions for the two couplings and use them to determine certain operator scaling dimensions at the IR stable fixed point up to order $\epsilon^3$. We also use the beta functions to determine the corrections to the critical value of $N$ below which there is no fixed point at real couplings. The result suggests a very significant reduction in the critical value as the dimension is decreased to $5$. We also study the theory with $N=1$, which has a $Z_2$ symmetry under $\phi\rightarrow -\phi$. We show that it possesses an IR stable fixed point at imaginary couplings which can be reached by flow from a nearby fixed point describing a pair of $N=0$ theories. We calculate certain operator scaling dimensions at the IR fixed point of the $N=1$ theory and suggest that, upon continuation to two dimensions, it describes a non-unitary conformal minimal model.

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