
In this paper, learning algorithms for radial basis function (RBF) networks are discussed. Whereas multilayer perceptrons (MLP) are typically trained with backpropagation algorithms, starting the training procedure with a random initialization of the MLP's parameters, an RBF network may be trained in many different ways. We categorize these RBF training methods into one-, two-, and three-phase learning schemes. Two-phase RBF learning is a very common learning scheme. The two layers of an RBF network are learnt separately; first the RBF layer is trained, including the adaptation of centers and scaling parameters, and then the weights of the output layer are adapted. RBF centers may be trained by clustering, vector quantization and classification tree algorithms, and the output layer by supervised learning (through gradient descent or pseudo inverse solution). Results from numerical experiments of RBF classifiers trained by two-phase learning are presented in three completely different pattern recognition applications: (a) the classification of 3D visual objects; (b) the recognition hand-written digits (2D objects); and (c) the categorization of high-resolution electrocardiograms given as a time series (1D objects) and as a set of features extracted from these time series. In these applications, it can be observed that the performance of RBF classifiers trained with two-phase learning can be improved through a third backpropagation-like training phase of the RBF network, adapting the whole set of parameters (RBF centers, scaling parameters, and output layer weights) simultaneously. This, we call three-phase learning in RBF networks. A practical advantage of two- and three-phase learning in RBF networks is the possibility to use unlabeled training data for the first training phase. Support vector (SV) learning in RBF networks is a different learning approach. SV learning can be considered, in this context of learning, as a special type of one-phase learning, where only the output layer weights of the RBF network are calculated, and the RBF centers are restricted to be a subset of the training data. Numerical experiments with several classifier schemes including k-nearest-neighbor, learning vector quantization and RBF classifiers trained through two-phase, three-phase and support vector learning are given. The performance of the RBF classifiers trained through SV learning and three-phase learning are superior to the results of two-phase learning, but SV learning often leads to complex network structures, since the number of support vectors is not a small fraction of the total number of data points.

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