
A three‐field photometer (3FP) for making observations of airglow in the Mesosphere Lower Thermosphere (MLT) region has been operated at the center of the large MF aerial array located near Adelaide (138°E, 35°S) since 1993. Observations of the 557.7 nm airglow intensity emitted by atomic oxygen (OI) at heights near 97 km and the 730.0 nm airglow intensity emitted by hydroxyl (OH) near 87 km have been made simultaneously with MF spaced antenna observations of wind velocities in the 80–100 km height region. The 3FP measures the intensity of the 557.7 nm airglow in three fields separated by about 13 km at heights near 97 km, and then the intensity of the 730 nm airglow in three fields separated by about 12 km at heights near 87 km, on a 60 s cycle. These data have been analyzed to yield gravity wave observed phase speeds and horizontal wavelengths. Simultaneous MF radar data have been analyzed to yield measurements of the neutral wind velocity in 2 km height steps in the 80–100 km height interval every 2 min, and these have been used together with the observed wave parameters to calculate intrinsic gravity wave parameters. This paper presents a very brief overview of the system, the motivation for the work, and preliminary analysis of the data from 1995 until 2000.

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