
Human skin is a unique functional material that perfectly covers body parts having various complicated shapes, spontaneously heals mechanical damage, and senses a touch. E-skin devices have been actively researched, focusing on the sensing functionality of skin. However, most e-skin devices still have limitations in their shapes, and it is a challenging issue of interest to realize multiple functionalities in one device as human skin does. Here, new artificial skin devices are demonstrated in application-oriented three-dimensional (3D) shapes, which can sense exact touch location and heal mechanical damage spontaneously. Beyond the conventional film-type e-skin devices, the artificial skin devices are fabricated in optimal three-dimensional structures, via systematic material design and characterization of ion-conductive self-healing hydrogel system and its extrusion-based 3D printing. The ring-shaped and fingertip-shaped artificial skin devices are successfully fabricated to fit perfectly on finger models, and shows large electronic signal contrast, ∼5.4 times increase in current, upon a human finger contact. Furthermore, like human skin, the device provides the exact positional information of an arbitrary touch location on a three-dimensional artificial skin device without complicated device fabrication or data processing.

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