
AbstractThe paper is focused on the problem of 3D reconstruction of structured scenes from uncalibrated images based on vanishing points. Under the assumption of three-parameter-camera model, we prove that with a certain preselected world coordinate system, the camera projection matrix can be uniquely determined from three mutually orthogonal vanishing points that can be obtained from images. We also prove that global consistent projection matrices can be recovered if an additional set of correspondences across multiple images is present. Compared with previous stereovision techniques, the proposed method avoids the bottleneck problem of image matching and is easy to implement, thus more accurate and robust results are expected. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real images validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.KeywordsProjection MatrixCamera CalibrationProjection MatriceWorld Coordinate SystemStructure SceneThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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