
Enamel thickness and distribution provide dietary insights in hominoids. Yet, three-dimensional (3D) enamel analysis of the Late Miocene Lufengpithecus from southwest China is lacking. We digitally reconstructed 68 unworn or lightly worn Lufengpithecus (L.) lufengensis molars using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Comparisons with modern humans, Homo erectus, extant/fossil Pongo, Pan, and Gorilla reveal L. lufengensis has "intermediate/thick" enamel, thicker than Pongo and Gorilla, but thinner than modern humans and H. erectus. In enamel distribution, relatively thicker enamel lies on the lingual cusps of the maxillary molars. The hypoconid, hypoconulid, and entoconid exhibit relatively thicker enamel compared to the metaconid and protoconid of the mandibular molars. L. lufengensis also exhibits an uneven pattern on the lingual and buccal walls. With relatively intermediate/thick enamel and distinctive distribution pattern, L. lufengensis may be able to respond to dietary variation in seasonal habitats.

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