
Mirror symmetry, a three dimensional mathcal{N} = 4 IR duality, has been studied in detail for quiver gauge theories of the ADE-type (as well as their affine versions) with unitary gauge groups. The A-type quivers (also known as linear quivers) and the associated mirror dualities have a particularly simple realization in terms of a Type IIB system of D3-D5-NS5-branes. In this paper, we present a systematic field theory prescription for constructing 3d mirror pairs beyond the ADE quiver gauge theories, starting from a dual pair of A-type quivers with unitary gauge groups. The construction involves a certain generalization of the S and the T operations, which arise in the context of the SL(2, ℤ) action on a 3d CFT with a U(1) 0-form global symmetry. We implement this construction in terms of two supersymmetric observables — the round sphere partition function and the superconformal index on S2 × S1. We discuss explicit examples of various (non-ADE) infinite families of mirror pairs that can be obtained in this fashion. In addition, we use the above construction to conjecture explicit 3d mathcal{N} = 4 Lagrangians for 3d SCFTs, which arise in the deep IR limit of certain Argyres-Douglas theories compactified on a circle.


  • In spite of the impressive success of perturbative QFT, the study of nonperturbative/strongly coupled aspects of a QFT remains a challenge for theorists

  • We explicitly realize this program in terms of two RG-invariant supersymmetric observables — the S3 partition function and the S2 × S1 superconformal index, which can be computed using localization techniques

  • Consider a pair of dual quiver gauge theories (X, Y ) where X is in class U, with a Higgs branch global symmetry subgroup Gsgulobbal = γ U(Mγ)

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Background and the basic idea of the paper

In spite of the impressive success of perturbative QFT, the study of nonperturbative/strongly coupled aspects of a QFT remains a challenge for theorists. For the purpose of this paper, we will choose the set of basic dualities as the set of good linear quivers [27] with unitary gauge groups, where the mirror symmetry (including the mirror map) is completely understood, both from String Theory and QFT With this choice of the pair (X, Y ), the construction of figure 1 can be seamlessly implemented to generate a new dual pair (X , Y ). These two subsections contain the main results of this paper in terms of constructing new mirror dualities.

Summary of the main results
Future directions
Supermultiplets and Lagrangian description
Checking mirror symmetry using RG flow invariant observables
Mirror symmetry as S-duality in type IIB construction: linear quivers
Generating mirrors from linear quiver pairs using S-type operations
Elementary S-type and T -type operations on a generic quiver
Construction of generic quivers from linear quivers using S-type operations
Reading off the dual gauge theory
Non-ADE mirror duals from Abelian S-type operations
Abelian S-type operations: general discussion
A qualitative description of the dual operations
Examples of Abelian quiver pairs
Examples of non-Abelian quiver pairs
Mirror pairs
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