
Herein, we present a complete three-dimensional (3D) map of major neuropil structures in the central brain of the cockroach Diploptera punctata. The positions of the structures have been ascertained by confocal microscopy, which, until now-for reasons of tissue opacity and nonhomogeneity-has been thought impractical in imaging fluorescently labeled structures thicker than 150 microm. In this report, however, we have used digestive enzymes and microwave-aided fixation to stain, clear, and optically section, in its entirety, an intact central brain more than 500 microm thick. The central brain from an adult female cockroach was stained thoroughly with the membrane probe NBD-ceramide and the DNA probe propidium iodide. The central brain as well as such neuropil regions as mushroom bodies, central complex, antennal glomeruli, and lobus glomerulati were individually outlined, segmented, and reconstructed in three dimensions to a spatial resolution of approximately 1 microm in the X-Y plane and 3 microm in the Z plane. The volume and surface area of each neuropil compartment were determined, and Kenyon cells of the mushroom bodies were counted. We determined that each brain hemisphere contains about 230,000 Kenyon cells, 99 antennal lobe glomeruli, and 40 lobus glomerulatus glomeruli. Segmented compartments were assigned as separate channels and merged into a single data base to reconstruct a 3D central brain containing eight different channels. This is the first 3D map at submicron resolution of an entire animal's brain that measures more than 500 microm in thickness.

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