
Maxillary protraction with expansion is the recommended treatment modality for growing patients with cleft lip and palate. The aim of this study was to compare the displacement of the craniofacial structures using Facemask and Maxgym for protractiontherapy.A3-Dfiniteelementmodelconsistingof185620tetrahedralshapedelementsand49807nodeswascreated using CT scan of a patient with UCLP. F1, F2, F3 represent protraction forces used for Facemask and M1, M2, M3 represent protractionforcesusedforMaxgym.E1representsSlowMaxillaryExpansionforceandE2representsRapidMaxillaryExpansion force. Protraction forces were applied parallel to the occlusal plane on the buccal side of the first premolars. Expansion forces were also applied on the lingual side of the first premolars and the first molars. The displacement of 13 representative nodes of craniofacial structures analyzed and compared. The selected nodes of dental and skeletal structures were displaced in sagittal direction under all loading conditions. Only protraction or expansion force results in displacement of craniofacial structures. Protraction with expansion forces resulted in larger displacement. Maxgymforcesproducegreaterdisplacementthan Facemask under all loading conditions. Maxgym may be used as an alternative to Facemask to treat midfacial deficiency

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