
The aim of the present work was to study the size of cavity wall deformation in eight class I and II defects after composite restoration. 1. Creating a geometric model - data on the size of the left maxillary second premolar were obtained from a routine craniofacial scanning of a 20-year-old patient with a 2,5 Dental CT scanner (General Electric), with high resolution and 0.625mm-thin slices. The contour of each of the 33 cross-sections of tooth 25 was delineated using graphics software (CorelDraw 7.0) and transferred to a specialized product for engineering design (SolidWorks Office Premium 2010, SolidWorks Corp. USA). The pulp cavity and periodontal ligament were created in the same manner and were integrated in the premolar body; 2. Generation of a finite element method - the geometric model was exported to specialized software for analysis by the finite element method - COSMOSWorks 2010, which automatically builds a 3D finite elements mesh. Based on the generated model, eight additional models of class I and II cavities with different geometries, adhesive layer and nanofilled composite restorations were constructed. The polymerization shrinkage was modelled by thermal deformation, with a negative temperature difference (cooling), corresponding to the actual volume shrinkage of the composite materials by 2.1%. In models A and B, the maximum cavity wall displacement was small - 0.014 mm and 0.015 mm, respectively. In models Al, B1, C1 and C, the displacement was at the expense of large deformation of the dental tissues. The maximum cavity wall displacements were 0.020 mm, 0.026 mm, 0.020 mm, 0.035 mm, respectively. The least cavity wall displacement was in models A2 and B2 with 0.008 mm and 0.017 mm, respectively. The least displacement resulting from cavity wall deformation is found in patient-friendly class I and II preparations. Preservation of the dental tissues reduces the risk of mechanical pressure on the dentinal lymph and the likelihood of post-operative sensitivity.

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